over the world a major factor to be considered while conducting any
kind of business is the kind of costs incurred to run the business on a
day to day basis. Different types of cost cutting factors are taken into
account and every business tries to run to its best potential while
keeping costs low. Over the last couple of decades Business Process
has proven its effectiveness and more and more countries across the
world are now outsourcing a lot of their work to countries that have
skilled workforces and cost lower than employees in their own countries.
India is a big name in outsourcing and these days when one thinks of
India from a business point of view the whole circle of outsourcing
immediately comes to mind. Outsourcing to India from Europe and America
is a very feasible option for business there as the chances of being
able to outsource business profile to a trained team who are qualified
to handle the job. There are many large firms specialising in
outsourcing that can take on all kinds of job requirements and these
firms have excellent track records and complete infrastructure as well.
There are many Reasons to choose the option of Outsourcing to India like:
- Huge call centres with very well trained staff; these staff have regular refresher classes and are thoroughly trained in all aspects of the project before coming onboard.
- Call centres can handle almost everything from voice to data and areas of customer service, programming, and all kinds of back office jobs, technical expertise and communications are already being handled here
- Skilled job force means that these call centres work on shifts 24*7
- The Indian Government has wholly supported and developed the outsourcing capabilities of India
- There are very few or no technical issues as the telecom infrastructure is robust
- Almost perfect English skills as English is spoken and taught in most schools so by and large it is a language that people are proficient in.
- Technically skilled professionals are also available easily and finding and employing experienced and trained people is not difficult.
- There is a huge cost saving when one need not invest in infrastructure, the call centres in India are well equipped with everything required to resemble a clients back office.
When one needs skilled professionals to maintain and create IT services and solutions to put in many hours of experimenting, research, conducting trials and tests then one definitely requires not only the infrastructure but also manpower and technology in place. In these cases outsourcing to India where a large workforce exists with the training, expertise and relevant qualifications makes the entire task so much more cost effective. Ever since India focused on being market oriented companies from more developed countries have been looking this way with their business related interests. India has the largest number of CMM Level 5 certified companies and also many companies that are listed on NASDQ and the NYSE therefore attracting a large number of Fortune 500 companies to India. A BPO today is capable of offering a foreign client development packages and software solutions which will include:
- Analysis,
- Understanding requirements of the project,
- Specifying software and codes that are to be used,
- Designing the software,
- Coding and writing the software,
- Testing
- Maintenance
Indian companies can now boast of many years of rich experience in the field of outsourced projects that can easily cover every kind of requirement from every aspect of any business. The Development standards are constantly being refreshed with current certifications and the skills relating to the changes in global business and requirements. Outsourcing to India has proved to be a very dependable reliable and safe option for many companies across the world.